Apple TechStep
In September 2009 I started to downsize this collection to a few items and then archived this section to its own subdomain at the start of October 2011. Remaining items sold off in mid 2024.
This system
In August 2006 I purchased this unit for the grand total of AU$28 through eBay.
Although it is not complete I should be able to fill out the standard
complement of cables, the manuals will be signifigantly more difficult to
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The TechStep in the carry case. I am missing most of the cables to be used for
testing as well as the manuals. Next to the power supply is a holder for two
ROM packs (on top of the two in the unit).
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The front panel of the unit has a small LCD display and a keypad through which
the tests can be selected and run.
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The left side of the unit features the power switch, power input (if not
running from a 9V battery) and a serial port that I believe can be used to
download logs.
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The right hand side of the unit features two slots for the ROM pack at the
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The rear of the unit features two ADB ports, two serial ports, a SCSI port and
an audio port.
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The rear of the unit detatches to expose the location for the 9V battery which
makes this a portable unit.
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The bottom of the unit has a typical information sticker. What I find more
interesting is the price tag of over a thousand (Australian) dollars from 1994.
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The two ROM packs that I have allow me to test SCSI hard drives and a number of
early Macintosh systems.
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